Seriously, the putting on of the socks can be quite stressful when you're trying to get out of the door in a hurry. Oliver, at 5, still has trouble with them. Anything that can teach independence, while also making things a bit easier? Why not try it out?
In November, I received a pair of Teddy Bear EZ Sox and terribly, terribly misplaced them over the holidays. Which is why I am only now getting to this very late review. My apologies, EZ Sox. The good news is that Callum (age 3) thinks they were worth the wait.
He put his own socks on. And was quite happy to do so. I'd say that's a positive review.
You can buy them online or in several shops in Canada and the US. If you shop now, you can receive 20% off online orders using the code EZ20. They are also running a "buy 6 get 1 free" offer at EZ Sox.
Would you like to win a pair for your own little one, or a little one you know? (USA/Canada only)
1. Leave a comment on this blog, telling me which animal design or colour EZ Sox you'd like to win (this page has the choices).
2. One comment per person, please.
3. Make sure your comment/comment entry has an email address so you can be contacted.
4. Leave your comment before Tuesday January 18th 2010 at 10pm EST.
5. At that time, or soon after, I'll pick one winner using I'll contact them and post their details on here.
Good luck!
Disclosure: I was provided a pair of EZ Sox to review. I was not compensated for this review. My views are my own.
Piggies for me please!
Too cute! Bunnies - because really? PERFECT for Little Girl!
What a great idea! This would definitely make life easier with a 3 year old boy who wants to do everything by himself, but who gets very frustrated when he cannot. The white dog socks would probably be his favorite (because of the dog of course), although I personally prefer the brown teddy bears (um, because they wouldn't get dirty as quickly as the white ones)
marketing4health [at] yahoo [dot] ca
I am a WHAM and I help companies get in touch with bloggers who do product reviews and giveaways, but believe it or not, this is the first time I actually sign up for a giveaway myself (yup, that's how much I think these socks rock!)
I think the pink piggies are adorable!
ykatrina at hotmail dot com
Love the frogs! Socks with handles, why didn't I think of that??!!
I like the ladybugs.
Brown teddy bears! Or ladybugs! These are a very smart product.
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